Ardiansyah attended the 2014 IEAGHG Carbon Capture and Storage Summer School
06 July, 2014
Ardiansyah attended the International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas (IEAGHG) carbon capture and storage summer school from July 6th-11th 2014, which is hosted by The University of Texas at Austin. The summer school aims to provide students with diverse academic backgrounds and broad understanding of carbon capture and storage (CCS) issues. The summer school program consists of presentations and discussion groups led by international experts in the field of CCS, which covers every aspect of CCS including technical aspects such as sources of CO2, capture and transport of CO2, underground geological storage, wellbore integrity and modeling of CO2; as well as other issues such as health and safety, costs and economic potential of CCS, and regulations. In the middle of the week, there was a field trip to the US Bureau of Economic Geology and Institute for Geophysics. In addition to the discussion programs, the students were divided into several groups to discuss the given problem related to CCS issues, with a presentation at the end of the week. In conclusion, the summer school provides opportunity for the students to develop a network of contacts in the field of CCS and gained a broad overview of the issues surrounding technology development and implementation in CCS. Ardiansyah attendance in this summer school is fully funded by the sponsors of the program.