Arun Kumar Narayanan Nair

Research Scientist


Research Interests

● Simulation (MC, MD, DPD, hybrid SCBD, hybrid MDMC) of macromolecular systems.

● Flow in porous media (shale).

● Probiotics

Selected Publications

Publications as corresponding author (work at KAUST, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

  • Nair, A. K. N.; Uyaver, S.; Sun, S. (2014) Conformational Transitions of a Weak Polyampholyte. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(13), 134905 (IF: 3.1, Times Cited: 5) 
  • Kadoura, A., Nair, A. K. N..; Sun, S. (2016) Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture by Montmorillonite in the Presence of Water. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 225, 331 (IF: 3.5, Times Cited: 4)    
  • Kadoura, A., Nair, A. K. N..; Sun, S. (2016) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture in Montmorillonite Clay Hydrates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Accepted (IF: 4.8, Times Cited: 0)
  • Kadoura, A., Nair, A. K. N..; Sun, S. (2016) Carbon Dioxide Intercalation in Montmorillonite Clay Hydrates. In preparation
  • Uyaver, S., Nair, A. K. N..; Sun, S. (2016) Lubrication by Polymer Brushes. In preparation
  • Jimenez, A. M., Nair, A. K. N..; Sun, S. (2016) Monte Carlo simulations of polyampholyte-polyelectrolyte complexes. In preparation

Publications from work at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala,India

  • Balakrishna, A.; Kumar, N. A. (2012) Preliminary Studies on Siderophore Production and Probiotic Effect of Bacteria Associated with the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata  Peters, 1859. Asian Fisheries Science 25, 193 (Times Cited: 3)
  • Theory of Breaking of a Weak Link in a Stiff Ring Polymer (Times Cited: 1)
    M.Sc. Thesis (2002) done with Prof. K.L. Sebastian, Indian Institute of Science, India.

Publications from work at UT, Austin, Texas, U.S.A

  • Ganesan, V.; Kumar, N. A.; Pryamitsyn, V. (2012) Blockiness and Sequence Polydispersity Effects on the Phase Behavior and Interfacial Properties of Gradient Copolymers. Macromolecules 45, 6281 (IF: 5.1, Times Cited: 17)
  • Kumar, N. A.; Ganesan, V. (2012) Self-Assembly of Semiflexible-Flexible Block Copolymers. The Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 101101 (IF: 3.122, Times Cited: 23)
    One of the editor’s choice papers for the year 2012

Publications from work at UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, U.S.A.

  • Liao Q.; Kumar, N. A.; Zhulina E. B.; Rubinstein, M. (2013) Shear Forces Between Polymer Brushes. In preparation
  • Cai, L.; Stukalin, E.; Kumar, N. A.; Leibler L.; Rubinstein, M. (2013) Self-Healing of Unentangled Polymer Networks with Reversible Bonds. Macromolecules 46, 7525 (IF: 5.1, Times Cited: 32)
    One of the journal’s top 5 most read articles in Sep-Oct 2013 (1-month basis)

Publications from work at MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany

  • Kumar, N. A.; Seidel, C. (2007) Interaction between Two Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Physical Review E 76, 020801(R) (IF: 2.4, Times Cited: 28)
  • Kumar, N. A. (2006) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polyelectrolyte Brushes. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
  • Seidel, C.; Kumar, N. A. (2006) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polyelectrolyte Brushes. NIC Symposium 2006, NIC series, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, 32, 253 
  • Kumar, N. A.; Seidel, C. (2005) Polyelectrolyte Brushes with Added Salt. Macromolecules 38, 9341 (IF: 5.1, Times Cited: 66)
  • Ahrens, H.; Forster, S.; Helm, C. A.; Kumar, N. A.; Naji, A.; Netz, R. R.; Seidel, C (2004) Nonlinear Osmotic Brush Regime: Experiments, Simulations and Scaling Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, 16870 (IF: 3.7, Times Cited: 64)


  • Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, MPIKG, Germany.
  • M.Sc. Physical Chemistry, Kerala.


  • Magna cum laude (high honor) for Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics.
  • First rank in M.Sc. Physical Chemistry.
  • Passed Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering in 2002.
  • Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2003 conducted by University Grants Commission and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, India (NET qualifiers are eligible for lectureship in Indian universities).
  • Merit Certificate in Std. X.
  • Played in the cricket team for the chemistry department during the inter departmental cricket tournament, February 2000, at Mahatma Gandhi University and stood first.

KAUST Affiliations


Non-KAUST Affiliations

MPIKG, Germany; UT Austin, USA; UNC, Chapel Hill, USA; M.G. University, Kerala, India.

Research Interests Keywords

Fluid flow in porous media Molecular Monte Carlo